WHAT? (What did we learn?)

What are the Requirements?

        Making Robot that can pick up and roll dice on the provided table and control movements manually.

What is our Plan?

What is the Result?

        For the score, we got 80.125/100. And this is our project when we are testing before the final test.

SO WHAT? (Why is this important?)

      In summary, this project is likely to use all of the things that we learned from the first week to finish this project.

NOW WHAT? (implications / reflections)

    This project is the first group project in this university and we didn't choose our team by ourselves. So, we learn how to work in a team with different and new people. How to manage work and team to finish the project. And also in this project, we have to use a 2D cutter, a 3D printer, and a micro bit. So, we learned how to use them by ourselves.