WHAT? (What did we learn?)

    What is Unity?

        Unity is a free platform that we use to develop games.

        Unity Concept is to combine Transformation, Rigidbody, Animation, Collider, and others to make a component. After that, we add elements to it to make it a game object. When we have many game objects on the screen we can call that scene. And then when we have many scenes it will be a game.

        The components are things that describe a game object's behavior.
            Renderer - to make an object be seen.
            • Collider - physical collision boundaries.
            • Rigidbody - make real-time physics like weight and gravity.
            • Audio Source - let object can play and store sound.
            • Audio Listener - lets player can hear sound.
            • Animator - gives object access animation system.
            • Light - make the object behave like a light source.

        The game object can be everything in the scene including characters, maps, backgrounds, etc.

        The assets store is the place where you can find 3D models, sound, music, sprites, code, and tools. (see at : https://assetstore.unity.com/)

SO WHAT? (Why is this important?)

    This is important when you want to make your game. Because you can use unity to make a good game and then upload it to the play store like many unity famous games such as Fall Guys, Among us, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Cuphead, Pokémon Go, Beat Saber, etc.

NOW WHAT? (implications / reflections)

    This class makes me know how to make a game. And in the future when I have some idea of the game I would know how to make it and maybe I can develop a game and upload the game that I make to the play store or App store too.