WHAT? (What did we learn?)

    This is the first week of this class. So, the professor starts with the Syllabus for the whole semester. And also tell us about some work that we have to do for this semester which is "A Gambler Robot " the Mid-term project, reflective writing, and the Final project we can choose what we want to do by ourselves. After that the professor told us about what "an engineer" is, how engineers solve problems, and SMART goals.

    What is reflective writing?

        It is the writing that writes what your thoughts not only summarizes them.

        Reflective writing has 3 parts that are

        • What? - summary what you learn

        So what? - why things that you learn are important

        • Now what? -   what you learn from what you learn

    What is engineering?

        It is the way to make something that doesn't have to be new but has to solve some problem that you met.

        How does engineering solve a problem

        1. Define what is the problem

        2. Try to research

        3. find the possible solutions

        4. Design the solution

        5. Make a prototype

        6. Test your solution

        7. Evaluate your solution

    What are SMART goals?

        It is a guideline that you can you when you set goals.

        What SMART stands for

        • S - Specific (What you want to do?)

        • M - Measurable (How do you know when you reached?)

        • A - Achievable (Is it in your power to finish?)

        • R - Realistic (Can you realistically achieve?)

        • T - Timely (When you want to finish?)

SO WHAT? (Why is this important?)

    Reflective writing is important when you learn something because I think the best way to know whether you understand it or not is to think about what you get from it but maybe sometime you would forget it. So, you have to write so you can read whenever you want.

     The engineering steps are very important when you met problems because you can use these steps to find the best solution.

    SMART goals are also very important when you want to do something because when you want to finish the goal while you don't know some of these 5 it's likely to be unfinished or very hard to finish it.

NOW WHAT? (implications / reflections)

    This class makes me know that whenever I do anything I must have a plan for what I should do first and also what I have to know to solve problems or finish my goals.