WHAT? (What did we learn?)

    What is Micro:bit?

        Micro:bit is a microcontroller. It is a tiny programmable computer, designed to make learning and teaching easy. (More infomation : https://microbit.org/)

        Micro:bit components25 LED lights, 2 switch buttons (A&B), Compass Module, Tilt Direction Module, Accelerometer, Temperature Sensor, Radio, 3 Digital and Analog Port, Battery Socket, Low energy usage Bluetooth 4.0
Micro:bit components

        Micro:bit Software Developer 
            1. Microsoft PXT BlockEditor

            2. Java Script

            3. MicroPython

    More Devices for making robot

SO WHAT? (Why is this important?)

    This is important when you want to make any prototype of a robot project. Because Micro:bit is easy to use and easy to code. At the same time, this is also a good way to learn Javascript or Python depending on your code language setting in the program because you can see your code after you finish making a code block. 

NOW WHAT? (implications / reflections)

    This class makes me know another microcontroller than Arduino. Because in high school I used only Arduino to make a project and now I use Microbit at first I have to adapt knowledge that I have known but after that, it is likely to be easier to connect other devices.